General Hotel Information

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    Where can I find the hotels’ addresses and telephone numbers?
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    Where can I find detailed information on a hotel?
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    How do I check in?
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    Do I need to show ID and why?
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    What is Blue Orchid Hotels’ Card Pre-Authorisation Policy?
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    Which room will I stay in?
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    Will I be charged for extra guests occupying my room?
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    Is there a minimum age requirement to reserve and/or stay in a hotel room?
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    Can Blue Orchid Hotels supply a cot or crib for my room when I travel with children?
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    Are Blue Orchid Hotels pet friendly?
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    Can I visit The Skyline London (private venue) during my visit?
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    Do you provide parking at your hotel?
  • + Can I take visitors to my room?
  • + Can additional visitors stay overnight?


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    Can I reserve more than one hotel room at a time when I book online?
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    What is Blue Orchid Hotels’ policy regarding cancellations?
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    How do I request an early check-in or late check-out?
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    How do I indicate a special request with my reservation?
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    What happens if my plans change and I don’t change or cancel my flexible reservation?
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    Can I cancel or amend my non-flexible reservation?
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    Can I check out earlier than my scheduled check out date?
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    Does the hotel offer luggage storage?
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    Can I check in earlier than the lead/primary guest?
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    Will the hotel ask me to reconfirm my guarantee/payment details?

Gift Vouchers

  • +
    What are gift vouchers?
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    How do I use my gift voucher?
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